News & Information

PDS & Post Deployment Depression

PDS & Post Deployment Depression

Transitioning from military service to civilian life presents unique challenges for soldiers. Even the most resilient can find this adjustment stressful. Unfortunately, these challenges are also known to cause mental health disorders such as PTSD, depression, and...

The 12 Most Common Phobias

The 12 Most Common Phobias

Fear is a natural human emotion that helps to protect and ensure our safety. It can be mild or severe, and it can manifest in many different ways. Some fears are warranted and make sense, while others can be irrational fear or completely unfounded. What is a Phobia?...

Adjustment Disorder With Anxiety

Adjustment Disorder With Anxiety

Have you been feeling anxious for no apparent reason? You may be experiencing adjustment disorder with anxiety. This condition is a reaction to a stressful event or change in your life, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, moving homes, job loss or other major...

Can HSA Be Used For Therapy?

Can HSA Be Used For Therapy?

Are you looking to use your HSA to pay for therapy? As more and more Americans turn to alternative treatments and therapies, it can be difficult to find the right funding sources. With HSAs becoming an increasingly popular way to save money while still receiving great...

How To Find a Therapist That Takes My Insurance

How To Find a Therapist That Takes My Insurance

So, you've decided to take the first step towards bettering your mental health - congratulations! The next step is to find a therapist that you feel comfortable with and that takes your insurance. Keep reading on as we share some helpful tips and information on how to...

Therapists That Take Blue Cross Blue Shield

Therapists That Take Blue Cross Blue Shield

Are you in need of a therapist that takes Blue Cross Blue Shield? Whether you're dealing with anxiety, depression, or simply need someone to talk to, Mindflow Recovery has a team of experienced mental health professionals and we currently accept Blue Cross Blue Shield...

What is Reverse Psychology – Definition & Examples

What is Reverse Psychology – Definition & Examples

Have you ever tried to get someone to do something by telling them the opposite of what you want them to do? If so, you may have used reverse psychology. Reverse psychology is a technique that involves convincing someone to do something by telling them the opposite of...

Where Can I Find Marriage Counseling Near Me

Where Can I Find Marriage Counseling Near Me

Finding marriage counseling near you can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are many options available for couples looking for help. The best place to start is by asking for referrals from your family, friends, and colleagues. If you feel comfortable, you can also...

Therapists That Take Medicaid Insurance

Therapists That Take Medicaid Insurance

Do you want to start therapy? Are you interested in finding a therapist that takes Medicaid insurance? There are many mental healthcare providers and therapists who accept Medicaid insurance, which is the federal- and state-funded medical insurance program for people...

Can Telehealth Prescribe Medication?

Can Telehealth Prescribe Medication?

Are you interested in Mindflow Recovery's telemedicine services? Have you been wondering if telehealth doctors can prescribe medications? The short answer is yes. Telehealth doctors can prescribe medications just like healthcare providers at an in-person visit;...

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