What is a Co-Occurring Disorder?
A co-occurring disorder is a mental health problem that occurs with another psychiatric condition. Co-occurring disorders are a serious mental health issue that affects many different people worldwide. There are many people who have co-occurring disorders, and often do not even know it. In these cases, they may think that they are just suffering from one mental illness, when in reality, they actually have two or more.
Do you have a Co-Occurring Disorder?
It is estimated that there are over 7 million American adults who suffer from this condition. They can be caused by a variety of factors, and they can often lead to poor mental health outcomes. Fortunately, there is help available at Mindflow Recovery Institute for those suffering from co-occurring disorders.
Treatments for Co-Occurring Disorders
There are many different types of co-occurring disorders, such as depression and anxiety, eating disorder and substance abuse etc. Treatment for these conditions can often times be difficult to find because most therapists, centers, offices, etc. only treat one issue at a time. Mindflow Recovery Institute and their virtual therapy have helped many people with various types of co-existing disorders to get the help that they need without having to leave the comfort or safety of their home.
CTI’s teletherapy program offers patients one of the most comprehensive online treatment programs available, giving them access to medical professionals 24 hours a day, seven days a week for all things ranging from depression management courses such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) or Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP), medically supervised detoxification treatments if needed after cessation of drug use; even support groups are offered by qualified clinicians via live chat or phone call sessions whenever they’re necessary – Crownview has it all!
Help is just around the corner
Reach out today and take the first step towards getting the help that you need and deserve today. Simply call and speak to one of our helpful staff members by dialing (833) 957-2690 or if you’d be more comfortable, simply fill out our online form and someone will get back to you shortly.